Data Center & Cloud

Virtual desktop infrastructures

More flexible IT infrastructures with the cloud

High performance, maximum flexibility and greater cost efficiency: Virtual desktop infrastructures open up numerous possibilities for your company to one to create a high-performance and safe working environment. IT HOUSE helps you to optimize IT systems and processes in your company with tailor-made VDI solutions.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Simply virtual:

Bring more efficiency to your IT environment

The working world would be unthinkable today without the PC. However, working from home, cloud computing and mobile working are increasingly leading to higher costs for companies: More end devices, higher security requirements and growing costs for the necessary hardware. Against this background, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) offers more than just an alternative – it is an elegant solution with many possibilities.

More flexible working environments with VDI


VDI makes it possible to implement bring-your-own-device (BYOD) strategies – with maximum security.

This means: more freedom in the choice of end devices, greater consideration of individual needs and lower expenditure on the purchase of devices. With the help of VDI, private end devices can be securely integrated into a company’s IT infrastructure.


Persistent and non-persistent VDI

Persistent or non-persistent? Both modes are possible when running VDI, and both have their respective strengths:


Persistent VDI virtualizes the entire desktop, so to speak. A user always connects to the same virtual desktop and can personalize it – just like a physical desktop.


Non-persistent VDI is a „simpler“ and more cost-effective option, as individual applications are virtualized for specific tasks. This solution is suitable wherever a customized desktop is less important than the required applications.

When working environments become more complex

A key issue in today’s working world from the company’s perspective is the right balance between broad distribution and centralization. While traditional workplace situations are increasingly disappearing in many sectors, the challenges with regard to centralized administration and standardized processes are growing.

Cloud usage
and hybrid IT infrastructures mean more widely scattered data storage locations. A growing number of (mobile) End devices in more different locations also increase the pressure on necessary safety precautions and uninterrupted operation.

This applies in particular to the increasing number of people working from home, which poses a major challenge, at least in terms of securing the company network. It must be ensured that unauthorized access to internal applications from outside is not possible.

All-round care with IT-HAUS
More cost efficiency

with VDI strategies from IT-HAUS

In addition, conventional working environments are cost-intensive: in addition to the acquisition costs for end devices and client hardware, defects, failures or the replacement of end devices also cause costs. In fact, device administration accounts for most of the expenditure. More complex end devices increase the cost of maintenance and servicing and tie up human and financial resources.

The situation is different in a VDI environment: the devices are less complex, so fewer defects occur – and operation is significantly simplified. This also applies to device replacement. In this case, it is not necessary to transfer all data and applications to a new client first – they are „ready for collection“ on the server. This reduces downtimes to a minimum so that value-adding activities can be resumed immediately.

In a dynamic working world in which the demands on workplaces and business models are constantly changing at high speed, the IT infrastructure is a major task for companies.

VDI provides you with effective solutions for these and future challenges: Create the conditions for central data backup, flexible and mobile working and greater security.

Virtualize – and optimize – IT infrastructure

The switch to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure has a number of advantages. This applies above all to the costs of the IT infrastructure and easier access to applications and files. This is because VDI enables practical remote access – in principle from anywhere in the world. At the same time, less hardware is required because key elements of the infrastructure are virtualized.

Cost savings

Of course, VDI also includes various end devices that are essential for day-to-day business. However, the virtual desktop infrastructure works without the usual „fat clients“: these are the conventional desktops, each equipped with its own hardware (CPU, RAM, hard disk, etc.).

Instead, so-called „thin clients“ are used. This is no longer a stand-alone device. This type of client is more dependent on the connection to the central network, via which the applications are provided, for example.

Because the hardware costs are significantly lower, you reduce your costs with VDI.

Proactive support
Remote Desktop

A major advantage of VDI is the ability to allow remote access to the workstation. This is not only a basic requirement for mobile working, but also for employees working from home.

In conjunction with thin clients, it is also easier for users to have access to their profiles on the available devices at all times. With appropriate access methods (MFA, badge swiping), the data protection requirements remain fulfilled. Shared desk concepts are also possible.

Remote Desktop with VDI otherwise allows the usual working methods such as mailing, web browsing, word processing, communication – but allows users more flexibility.

XaaS - Anything as a Service

With VDI, you gain a great deal of flexibility in the design of your company’s IT environment. This allows you to scale the workstations provided smoothly and continuously. Growing companies are therefore always well positioned.

Furthermore, new and additional applications can be easily integrated. They are provided centrally for all connected desktops.

This also means that all users experience the same user experience on the virtual desktops: Applications, operating system settings and authorizations are identical in each case. This also makes it easier to use another client – and workflows are not disrupted.

The best VDI environment for your company

In order for you to really take full advantage of VDI, the virtual desktop environment must be optimally adapted to the existing IT infrastructure and the processes running in it. IT-HAUS therefore supports you every step of the way – and helps you to set up the best possible VDI environment for your company.

VDI analysis by IT-HAUS

From fat client to thin client promises reduced hardware costs. To do this, however, your data center must be able to actually provide all applications to the end users. When setting up a VDI, the focus is therefore on application compatibility.

After all, your VDI must be able to supply the virtual desktops in your company with the right applications. As a first step, IT-HAUS therefore relies on a Comprehensive VDI analysis. Before a migration, we therefore record and analyze the usage behavior in the existing IT environment as well as the workplace environment with all its peripheral devices.

Optimize for more efficiency

Our aim is to harmonize the existing IT landscape in your company with a central VDI environment. On the basis of our analyses, we work with you to develop a concept in which the existing IT infrastructure is converted as far as possible to the use of virtual workstations. With the help of the IT-HAUS solution engineers, you will receive a Tailor-made solution that exploits existing potential for cost reduction and optimization.

Individual VDI solutions: With IT-HAUS to the virtual workplace

IT-HAUS supports you with a comprehensive range of services and support for your switch to a modern VDI environment. This gives you exactly the right mix of tools, applications and services to suit your company’s needs. IT-HAUS brings a powerful, flexible and efficient VDI to your company.

3D VDI combination
Perfect combination:

3D workstation environments with the right VDI strategy

3D CAD technology is an indispensable and important tool for engineers, designers and product developers.

However, the computer-aided production of 3D models is dependent on high-performance hardware.

This is particularly costly if the 3D CAD applications are to be used on the move. Mobile workstations with the corresponding performance features are a real cost factor for companies, depending on their number.

VDI strategies offer a simple and cost-effective solution for such use cases, as they enable remote CAD.

This provides 3D workstations as a virtual desktop environment regardless of location. One of the advantages: There is no need to equip several workstations with the hardware that would otherwise be required (especially graphics cards).

VDI ensures the best possible utilization of otherwise cost-intensive resources for 3D CAD use – everywhere.

IT-HAUS offers you everything from terminal servers to the right hypervisor and virtual machines (VM) through to desktop applications for your virtual desktops, all the components you need for your individual VDI environment. You therefore receive a complete package perfectly tailored to your needs with which you can efficiently convert your IT infrastructure to virtual
workstations efficiently.

XenApp and XenDesktop from Xen and other common virtualization solutions from Citrix, VMware and IGEL provide you with the ideal conditions for managing and providing your VDI. Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and Windows 365 from Microsoft offer you the Possibility of personalized Windows environments in which you and your employees can access the familiar desktop applications – as a practical and cost-effective software-as-a-service solution.

In this way, you create a familiar working environment in which you can find your way around quickly and easily. But without the huge outlay for costly and maintenance-intensive hardware. With the VDI from IT-HAUS, all workflows run as usual – only virtually. Simplify the management of your IT landscape and provide all users with secure and convenient access to all applications that are crucial to the success of your company.

Provision of your VDI
VDI for your company
VDI for your company –

– The advantages at a glance

For companies that want to make their IT infrastructures more flexible, secure and cost-efficient, VDI environments offer numerous advantages – and above all practical solutions for many IT challenges:

Simply scalable:

Design the virtual desktop infrastructures in your company entirely according to your needs. IT-HAUS offers you a package of solutions perfectly tailored to your needs.

More security:

Your company uses mobile work, but you want centralized data storage? This is possible with a VDI environment – and therefore also more security.

Less effort:

Reduce the management effort with the centralized maintenance of an image and less complex end devices.

More efficiency:

VDI makes it easier for you to efficiently utilize of your resources. Forget end devices that remain unused for a large part of the day and benefit from precise provisioning a modern IT infrastructure.


Your competent partner for your VDI solution

IT-HAUS is your reliable and competent partner for the migration of your IT infrastructure to a virtual working environment. We will work with you to find the optimum solution and make the changeover as easy as possible for you. We bring everything you need for a successful entry into the world of VDI!

flexible VDI
Our benefits – your profit:

Flexible VDI from IT-HAUS

Thorough, competent and at eye level with our customers: IT solutions from IT-HAUS are always developed in close cooperation with our customers, so that your needs, requirements and goals are optimally taken into account in the design and implementation.

Let us convince you:

a comprehensive understanding of IT that enables us to seamlessly integrate the new VDI environment into your existing infrastructure;
lots of experience in all areas of IT;
long-standing partnerships with internationally renowned manufacturers.

Benefit from top products and top service – from initial consultation to support. We provide you with strong support and are always available to you with our expertise. Contact us and take your company’s IT landscape to the next level!

Our experts will be happy to advise you on the individual options.

Fill out our contact form or call us directly. We look forward to talking to you.

Marc Zimmermann
Manager Core & Hybrid Infrastructure

+49 6502 9208-394